==== AAU SATLAB News ==== Awating 19 March 2025 - we will have interesting news here /* {{:wiki:dannebrog.png?300|}} //2025-03-19// // citation fra brev fra Novo Nordisk Fonden// === Novo Nordisk Fondens Pris til Teknisk Videnskabelige Undervisere på Universitetet 2025 === Kære Jens Dalsgaard Nielsen, Simon Bøgh og Israel Leyva Mayorga Vi er glade for at kunne meddele, at Novo Nordisk Fondens bestyrelse har besluttet at tildele jer Novo Nordisk Fondens Pris til Teknisk Videnskabelige Undervisere på Universitetet 2025. Prisen uddeles årligt for at anerkende en særlig indsats med at motivere, uddanne, og kvalificere landets teknisk videnskabelige universitetsstuderende, og som kan være til inspiration på internationalt niveau. Prisvinderne udvælges af en komité bestående af medlemmer fra Novo Nordisk Fondens Komité for Undervisningspriser. ---- Dear Jens Dalsgaard Nielsen, Simon Bøgh and Israel Leyva Mayorga We are pleased to announce that the Novo Nordisk Foundation Board of Directors has decided to award you the Novo Nordisk Foundation Prize for Technical and Scientific Teachers at the University 2025. The prize is awarded annually to recognize special efforts to motivate, educate, and qualify the country's technical and scientific university students, and which can be an inspiration at an international level. The prize winners are selected by a committee consisting of members of the Novo Nordisk Foundation Committee for Teaching Prizes. ---- Prisen er på / The prize is 1.500.000 dkk ---- //citation fra AAAS/Novo Nordisk// The best way to learn is to do it,” says engineer Jens Dalsgaard Nielsen. Dalsgaard Nielsen and colleagues Simon Bøgh and Israel Leyva Mayorga have dedicated their time and expertise to promoting an interest in space technology among students for several decades. ---- //citing us three// The students have always been the driving factor in these mega projects. It is basically their projects and their work. We just enjoy to participate and see next generation engineers grow up. ---- //citing Buzz Lightyear// "To infinity and beyond" MANGLER LINK MM */